AAEA supports members by promoting greater public understanding of advanced energy, influencing energy policy, fostering innovation, and providing a forum for addressing energy challenges and opportunities. Join us today!

What is the Arkansas Advanced Energy Association (AAEA)?

The Arkansas Advanced Energy Association (AAEA) is a trade association serving as the business voice for advanced energy in Arkansas and dedicated to growing the state's economy through the expanded utilization of advanced energy technologies.

What are the benefits of joining AAEA?

Depending on membership level, benefits include:

  • Policy advocacy at various levels

  • Advance access to tickets for AAEA events

  • Member discounts to AAEA events

  • Industry policy group briefings

  • Targeted outreach

  • Networking

  • Industry events

  • Marketing and promotion of your organization

  • Access to workforce development staff, tools, and data

  • Regular communications with members

Who can become a member of AAEA?

Membership is open to a wide array of organizations, including developers, distributors, manufacturers, utilities, partner organizations, nonprofits, small businesses, education and research institutions, municipalities, government entities, and energy consumers, among many others. Anyone with a vested interest in advanced energy development and economic expansion in Arkansas is encouraged to join.

How do I join AAEA?

  • Step 1: Visit our Member Benefits page to learn about which membership tier best fits your organization.

  • Step 2: Fill out this Membership Form. The form will go to our staff, who will then send an invoice to the Billing Email provided in the form.

  • Step 3: Upon receipt of payment, AAEA will update its website to include your organization’s logo and information

  • Step 4: Enjoy access to all the benefits of your chosen membership tier. Welcome to AAEA!

What types of membership does AAEA offer?

There are several annual membership levels to choose from. Please visit our Member Benefits page for more information about levels and pricing. Memberships renew annually in January; if joining outside of that time, your dues will be prorated.

Is there a platform where members can connect?

It’s in the works!

How does AAEA communicate with its members?

AAEA utilizes a variety of communication channels to keep members informed and engaged:

  • Website Updates: AAEA's website is regularly updated with event information, news, and other relevant content, serving as a centralized hub for members to access resources and stay informed about the organization's activities.

  • Monthly Newsletter: Members receive a comprehensive monthly newsletter packed with relevant information, including member news, industry updates, funding opportunities, and more.

  • Special Email Updates: During legislative sessions and for urgent communication needs, AAEA sends out special email updates to its members, ensuring timely dissemination of important information.

  • Quarterly Charges: These quarterly events provide a platform for round-table discussions and updates on current industry hot topics, offering members valuable insights and networking opportunities.

  • Staff Participation in Events: AAEA's staff actively participate in events hosted by other organizations throughout the year, fostering connections and sharing knowledge with the broader industry community.

  • Annual Meetings and Policy Conferences: AAEA organizes an annual meeting and policy conference every fall, welcoming both members and non-members interested in staying abreast of the latest energy industry news and engaging in policy discussions.

How can members get involved?

Not only are members allowed to participate in committees and working groups, they are encouraged to! Currently, our committees are the Energy Efficiency Solutions Committee, the Renewable Energy Committee, the Operational Affairs Committee, the Utility & Transmission Committee, the Sustainable Development & Infrastructure Committee, the Economic & Workforce Development Committee, the Grants & Fundraising Committe, and the Partnerships & Community Engagement Committee. There are various working groups to discover as well. Members can also get involved by participating in AAEA's events, advocacy efforts, and by contributing to the dialogue on advanced energy policy and innovation. Members may contribute content for consideration in AAEA communications as well.