Upcoming Events

Find events from Arkansas Advanced Energy Association, Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation and our members and industry partners. Use the filter bar below to find relevant events.

Want to submit an event for consideration? AAEA members can submit events for free here.

63rd Natural Resources Institute
to Mar 7

63rd Natural Resources Institute

Join the Arkansas Bar Association in Hot Springs, March 5-7, for the 63rd Natural Resources Institute Annual Conference in conjunction with 28th Environmental Law Annual Conference 2025. Natural Resources will have their section specific track on Friday morning.

The conference will be held at Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort located at 2705 Central Avenue Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901. The Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment will be presenting a joint session for both Natural Resources and Environmental Law on Thursday, March 6, 2025. There will also be a joint reception for both sections on Wednesday, March 5, 2025.

You register with Environmental Law with a bundle price for a discount at this link.

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Camp Alliance's First Formation

Are you an esteemed employer or training program within the state of Arkansas seeking to engage with the dedicated personnel of the Arkansas National Guard? These highly committed individuals, after completing rigorous Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT), are prepared to seize training and employment prospects with unparalleled determination and skill. Their commitment and dedication are unmatched, making them a valuable asset to any organization.


Remarkably, over 80% of them express a willingness to relocate within the state, demonstrating their commitment to securing a career or training program that promises to pave the way for their future success. Each individual is armed with fresh expertise and skill sets acquired through military training in various areas, including medical, engineering, diesel mechanics, logistics, etc. Their diverse capabilities are primed to enrich and elevate your workforce in ways that are truly unique and valuable.

Thursday, March 5th 2025

2:30 - 3:15 Expo Set-up

3:15 - 4:15: Employer & Training Programs 2-3min Spotlight Pitch (Your chance to shine)

4:15- 5:15: Career Expo (employers, education, and support service booths)


Camp Robinson, North Little Rock, AR 72199

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AEEA Environmental & Outdoor Education Conference
to Mar 8

AEEA Environmental & Outdoor Education Conference

AEEA’s Environmental and Outdoor Education Conference is a gathering that brings together classroom teachers, non-formal educators, higher education students, Master Naturalists, and conservation professionals from around Arkansas. This professional learning event consists of hands-on workshops, field tours, concurrent presentations, exhibitors, and networking opportunities.

For the 2025 conference, we are changing things up a bit. The conference date will move to early March, and it will be held over a Friday and Saturday. Registration options will include one day or both days. The conference theme focuses on the connection between a healthy environment and healthy people.

Sessions will include slide presentations, roundtable discussions, show and tell tables, hands-on workshops, and outdoor field tours. Up to 10 hours of professional development are available.

In addition to hands-on learning, exhibitors feature available resources and programs, and the silent auction showcases Arkansas-made goods, education resources, and sustainability-focused products. The silent auction funds the AEEA mini-grant program. The conference brings together diverse attendees in some of the most beautiful locations that Arkansas has to offer.

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2025 PPG Energy Education Workshop

2025 PPG Energy Education Workshop

Date and Location
March 11, 2025
University of Arkansas
Donaghey Student Center
3259 South University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204

For The Attendees:
• Hands-on kits and curriculum materials
• A great day of hands-on learning and professional networking
• Breakfast and lunch
• Substitute Reimbursement

Contact Wendi Moss at wmoss@need.org or call 1-800-875-5029


8:30 a.m. Registration
Pick up NEED materials and conference supplies. Continental breakfast will be served. NEED curriculum kits are sponsored for each teacher attending the workshop. Packets include supplemental classroom materials, Energy Infobooks at 3 grade levels, and much more! Complete a pre-workshop assessment.

8:45 a.m. Welcome and Introductions
Meet your fellow participants and the sponsors of today’s workshop. Review goals and objectives for the workshop and begin planning ways to use the NEED materials and training in your school.

9:00 a.m. Climate Web Game
Learn about cause-and-effect relationships in our climate system and set the stage for the purpose of the day’s activities.

9:30 a.m. The Science of Energy
Learn more about the forms of energy and energy transformations through this hands-on kit.

10:45 a.m. Energy Enigma
Put on your detective hats and research clues to uncover energy facts. This cooperative
learning activity accesses language arts and critical thinking skills as students try to conceal their own energy source while guessing the opposing teams’ sources.

11:30 a.m. Energy Sources Round Robin
Explore a few quick, hands-on renewable energy source activities that are easy to implement in the classroom with scrap and found supplies.

12:30 p.m. Lunch and PPG Panel – Sustainability and Renewable Energy at PPG

1:15 p.m. Energy Efficiency Intro
How do you use energy in your daily life at school? Learn how energy is consumed and easy steps you and your students can take to reduce energy use at home and at school.

1:30 p.m. Energy House
Create a mini energy house to explore how architecture, insulation, and landscaping can all combine to minimize thermal energy transfer in a home.

2:45 p.m. Greenhouse in a Beaker
Take a closer look at how greenhouse gas emissions can impact the atmosphere in this lab-style activity.

3:15 p.m. Wrap up & Paperwork

3:30 p.m. Dismissal

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EAST Conference 2025
to Mar 20

EAST Conference 2025

EAST Conference is where innovation and collaboration come to life, while inspiring students who are passionate about technology and community problem-solving. This event is a call-to-action for those ready to transform their knowledge into impactful solutions.

If you know EAST, you know that our students are not just learners; they are visionary changemakers paving the way to a brighter future. Join us and experience what it truly means to be a part of a transformative journey.

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AR STEM at the Capitol Day

WHAT: AR STEM @The Capitol Day is a one-day, student-led advocacy event designed to highlight the importance of STEM education in Arkansas. Students from the EAST Initiative will meet with their legislators to discuss their work, exhibit projects in the rotunda, and hold a press conference. Additional STEM-related exhibitors will join students in the rotunda.


WHEN: Tuesday, April 1, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

WHERE: Arkansas State Capitol, 500 Woodlane, Little Rock, AR  72201

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Arkansas Energy Lobby Day hosted by AAEA

Arkansas Energy Lobby Day hosted by AAEA

You are invited to Arkansas Energy Lobby Day, hosted by Arkansas Advanced Energy Association at the Arkansas State Capitol on Tuesday, April 1, 2025. Afternoon meetings with legislators will be followed by a private reception for AAEA members and legislators. A more detailed schedule will be available soon.

AAEA members must RSVP online by March 15, 2025, and be a current member as of February 1, 2025 to participate. If you are unsure of your membership status or would like to pay dues, please contact Jill Balaster as soon as possible: jbalaster@arkansasadvancedenergy.com.

Not an AAEA member? It’s easy to join.

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SkillSync: Q2 Call for Energy Efficiency

SkillSync: Q2 Call for Energy Efficiency

The Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation (AAEF) is hosting quarterly workforce calls called Skill Sync that offer Arkansas’ advanced energy employers a platform to share workforce needs and opportunities, align training and career development practices, and collaborate with training providers, government agencies, and other partners to address industry workforce challenges.

These are sector-based and include calls for HVAC/Controls/Boilers, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy.

Topics are timely and may include:

  • Industry Career Exposure

  • Training Opportunities

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Licensure/Code/IRA

  • Advocacy

  • Marketing/Awards

  • Funding. 

    All are welcome and we encourage you to share the invites. Your contributions are invaluable in ensuring that our four hours per year of collaboration effectively drive progress in workforce development across the industry. If you’d like to be added to one of the sector calls, please contact April.

Email April

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SkillSync: Q2 Call for HVAC/Controllers/Boilers

SkillSync: Q2 Call for HVAC/Controllers/Boilers

The Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation (AAEF) is hosting quarterly workforce calls called Skill Sync that offer Arkansas’ advanced energy employers a platform to share workforce needs and opportunities, align training and career development practices, and collaborate with training providers, government agencies, and other partners to address industry workforce challenges.

These are sector-based and include calls for HVAC/Controls/Boilers, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy.

Topics are timely and may include:

  • Industry Career Exposure

  • Training Opportunities

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Licensure/Code/IRA

  • Advocacy

  • Marketing/Awards

  • Funding. 

    All are welcome and we encourage you to share the invites. Your contributions are invaluable in ensuring that our four hours per year of collaboration effectively drive progress in workforce development across the industry. If you’d like to be added to one of the sector calls, please contact April.

Email April

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SkillSync: Q2 Call for Renewable Energy

SkillSync: Q2 Call for Renewable Energy

The Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation (AAEF) is hosting quarterly workforce calls called Skill Sync that offer Arkansas’ advanced energy employers a platform to share workforce needs and opportunities, align training and career development practices, and collaborate with training providers, government agencies, and other partners to address industry workforce challenges.

These are sector-based and include calls for HVAC/Controls/Boilers, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy.

Topics are timely and may include:

  • Industry Career Exposure

  • Training Opportunities

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Licensure/Code/IRA

  • Advocacy

  • Marketing/Awards

  • Funding. 

    All are welcome and we encourage you to share the invites. Your contributions are invaluable in ensuring that our four hours per year of collaboration effectively drive progress in workforce development across the industry. If you’d like to be added to one of the sector calls, please contact April.

Email April

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SkillSync: Q3 Call for Energy Efficiency

SkillSync: Q3 Call for Energy Efficiency

The Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation (AAEF) is hosting quarterly workforce calls called Skill Sync that offer Arkansas’ advanced energy employers a platform to share workforce needs and opportunities, align training and career development practices, and collaborate with training providers, government agencies, and other partners to address industry workforce challenges.

These are sector-based and include calls for HVAC/Controls/Boilers, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy.

Topics are timely and may include:

  • Industry Career Exposure

  • Training Opportunities

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Licensure/Code/IRA

  • Advocacy

  • Marketing/Awards

  • Funding. 

    All are welcome and we encourage you to share the invites. Your contributions are invaluable in ensuring that our four hours per year of collaboration effectively drive progress in workforce development across the industry. If you’d like to be added to one of the sector calls, please contact April.

Email April

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SkillSync: Q3 Call for HVAC/Controllers/Boilers

SkillSync: Q3 Call for HVAC/Controllers/Boilers

The Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation (AAEF) is hosting quarterly workforce calls called Skill Sync that offer Arkansas’ advanced energy employers a platform to share workforce needs and opportunities, align training and career development practices, and collaborate with training providers, government agencies, and other partners to address industry workforce challenges.

These are sector-based and include calls for HVAC/Controls/Boilers, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy.

Topics are timely and may include:

  • Industry Career Exposure

  • Training Opportunities

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Licensure/Code/IRA

  • Advocacy

  • Marketing/Awards

  • Funding. 

    All are welcome and we encourage you to share the invites. Your contributions are invaluable in ensuring that our four hours per year of collaboration effectively drive progress in workforce development across the industry. If you’d like to be added to one of the sector calls, please contact April.

Email April

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SkillSync: Q3 Call for Renewable Energy

SkillSync: Q3 Call for Renewable Energy

The Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation (AAEF) is hosting quarterly workforce calls called Skill Sync that offer Arkansas’ advanced energy employers a platform to share workforce needs and opportunities, align training and career development practices, and collaborate with training providers, government agencies, and other partners to address industry workforce challenges.

These are sector-based and include calls for HVAC/Controls/Boilers, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy.

Topics are timely and may include:

  • Industry Career Exposure

  • Training Opportunities

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Licensure/Code/IRA

  • Advocacy

  • Marketing/Awards

  • Funding. 

    All are welcome and we encourage you to share the invites. Your contributions are invaluable in ensuring that our four hours per year of collaboration effectively drive progress in workforce development across the industry. If you’d like to be added to one of the sector calls, please contact April.

Email April

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SkillSync: Q4 Call for Energy Efficiency

SkillSync: Q4 Call for Energy Efficiency

The Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation (AAEF) is hosting quarterly workforce calls called Skill Sync that offer Arkansas’ advanced energy employers a platform to share workforce needs and opportunities, align training and career development practices, and collaborate with training providers, government agencies, and other partners to address industry workforce challenges.

These are sector-based and include calls for HVAC/Controls/Boilers, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy.

Topics are timely and may include:

  • Industry Career Exposure

  • Training Opportunities

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Licensure/Code/IRA

  • Advocacy

  • Marketing/Awards

  • Funding. 

    All are welcome and we encourage you to share the invites. Your contributions are invaluable in ensuring that our four hours per year of collaboration effectively drive progress in workforce development across the industry. If you’d like to be added to one of the sector calls, please contact April.

Email April

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SkillSync: Q4 Call for Renewable Energy

SkillSync: Q4 Call for Renewable Energy

The Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation (AAEF) is hosting quarterly workforce calls called Skill Sync that offer Arkansas’ advanced energy employers a platform to share workforce needs and opportunities, align training and career development practices, and collaborate with training providers, government agencies, and other partners to address industry workforce challenges.

These are sector-based and include calls for HVAC/Controls/Boilers, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy.

Topics are timely and may include:

  • Industry Career Exposure

  • Training Opportunities

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Licensure/Code/IRA

  • Advocacy

  • Marketing/Awards

  • Funding. 

    All are welcome and we encourage you to share the invites. Your contributions are invaluable in ensuring that our four hours per year of collaboration effectively drive progress in workforce development across the industry. If you’d like to be added to one of the sector calls, please contact April.

Email April

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SkillSync: Q4 Call for HVAC/Controllers/Boilers

SkillSync: Q4 Call for HVAC/Controllers/Boilers

The Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation (AAEF) is hosting quarterly workforce calls called Skill Sync that offer Arkansas’ advanced energy employers a platform to share workforce needs and opportunities, align training and career development practices, and collaborate with training providers, government agencies, and other partners to address industry workforce challenges.

These are sector-based and include calls for HVAC/Controls/Boilers, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy.

Topics are timely and may include:

  • Industry Career Exposure

  • Training Opportunities

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Licensure/Code/IRA

  • Advocacy

  • Marketing/Awards

  • Funding. 

    All are welcome and we encourage you to share the invites. Your contributions are invaluable in ensuring that our four hours per year of collaboration effectively drive progress in workforce development across the industry. If you’d like to be added to one of the sector calls, please contact April.

Email April

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Be Pro Be Proud: Northeast Arkansas Draft Day

Be Pro Be Proud: Northeast Arkansas Draft Day

Draft Day is a dynamic career event connecting Arkansas companies with high school students, designed to match students' technical skills and interests with exciting career opportunities. Draft Day offers a Career Expo for all high school students and targeted matches connecting seniors with companies for real interviews. Preparatory workshops ensure students are ready to shine.

Real Interviews. Real Jobs. Real Opportunities. Hosted by Be Pro Be Proud.

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Free Webinar: Green Careers, Bright Futures: Strategies for Success in the Sustainability and Advanced Energy Workforce Pipeline

Free Webinar: Green Careers, Bright Futures: Strategies for Success in the Sustainability and Advanced Energy Workforce Pipeline

Join April Ambrose, Director of Workforce Development for Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation, at U.S. Green Building Council’s First Friday Series on February 7. The live webinar is free and will cover “Green Careers, Bright Futures: Strategies for Success in the Sustainability and Advanced Energy Workforce Pipeline”.

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SkillSync: Q1 Call for Renewable Energy

SkillSync: Q1 Call for Renewable Energy

The Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation (AAEF) is hosting quarterly workforce calls called Skill Sync that offer Arkansas’ advanced energy employers a platform to share workforce needs and opportunities, align training and career development practices, and collaborate with training providers, government agencies, and other partners to address industry workforce challenges.

These are sector-based and include calls for HVAC/Controls/Boilers, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy.

Topics are timely and may include:

  • Industry Career Exposure

  • Training Opportunities

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Licensure/Code/IRA

  • Advocacy

  • Marketing/Awards

  • Funding. 

    All are welcome and we encourage you to share the invites. Your contributions are invaluable in ensuring that our four hours per year of collaboration effectively drive progress in workforce development across the industry. If you’d like to be added to one of the sector calls, please contact April.

Email April

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SkillSync: Q1 Call for HVAC/Controllers/Boilers

SkillSync: Q1 Call for HVAC/Controllers/Boilers

The Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation (AAEF) is hosting quarterly workforce calls called Skill Sync that offer Arkansas’ advanced energy employers a platform to share workforce needs and opportunities, align training and career development practices, and collaborate with training providers, government agencies, and other partners to address industry workforce challenges.

These are sector-based and include calls for HVAC/Controls/Boilers, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy.

Topics are timely and may include:

  • Industry Career Exposure

  • Training Opportunities

  • Candidate Sourcing

  • Licensure/Code/IRA

  • Advocacy

  • Marketing/Awards

  • Funding. 

    All are welcome and we encourage you to share the invites. Your contributions are invaluable in ensuring that our four hours per year of collaboration effectively drive progress in workforce development across the industry. If you’d like to be added to one of the sector calls, please contact April.

Email April

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Registered Apprenticeships 101: Stop Puzzling and Start Building Your Clean Energy Apprenticeship Program

Registered Apprenticeships 101: Stop Puzzling and Start Building Your Clean Energy Apprenticeship Program

What: A webinar providing an introduction to Registered Apprenticeships in the clean energy sector.
When: November 20, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET
Where: Virtual event via Zoom
Who: Hosted by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC). This event is open to clean energy employers, workforce development professionals, and anyone interested in learning about Registered Apprenticeships
Why: To help participants understand the components and benefits of high-quality Registered Apprenticeship programs in the clean energy sector.

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Navigating the Inflation Reduction Act's Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Requirements

Navigating the Inflation Reduction Act's Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Requirements

What: A virtual event providing practical knowledge and tools for companies to implement and document their efforts correctly for IRA Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship requirement compliance.
When: November 18, 2024, 9am PT/12pm ET – 1pm PT/4pm ET
Where: Virtual event
Who: Hosted by SEIA (Solar Energy Industries Association). Designed for project owners/developers, EPCs, and subcontractors, including HR managers, apprenticeship managers, payroll managers, and on-site supervisors
Why: To provide expertise on implementing and complying with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)'s Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship (PWA) requirements, which are necessary for solar and clean energy projects above 1 MW to receive the full 30% tax credit

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National Apprenticeship Week
to Nov 23

National Apprenticeship Week

What: National Apprenticeship Week (NAW)
When: November 11-17, 2024
Where: Nationwide, with events held across the United States
Who: Hosted by the U.S. Department of Labor, with participation from employers, education and training providers, labor organizations, intermediaries, and other workforce partners
Why: To highlight the benefits of Registered Apprenticeship in preparing a highly-skilled, diverse workforce to meet the talent needs of employers and train Americans for good-paying jobs

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